Monday, December 26, 2005

The Reality of Bush's Falling Numbers

For the last week, I've been browsing a number of blogs I haven't read before, including quite a few that consider themselves moderates or simply in the middle. It's clear that Bush's critics aren't just liberals though his most devoted supporters would have people think otherwise. Americans are bewildered by the failures that involve Iraq, Katrina, gas prices, stagnant wages, intelligence gathering, torture and so on. Across the political spectrum people are hardly unanimous on these issues but, for those conservatives, moderates and liberals who are paying attention and know a thing or two of how our government is supposed to function, the discontent with Bush's performance is deepening even if the poll numbers have stopped falling. The evidence simply grows that the nation has a problem and it can be traced to the Oval Office.

From self-described moderate Always Question comes one example of the discontent. I chose this quote because of its concise accuracy:
While I have the soapbox out, Mr. Bush did not take us to war in Iraq on the basis of faulty intelligence. He took us to war in Iraq on the basis of manipulated intelligence, and he damn well knew it.


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