Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Introducing Guest Blogger

It's been my intention since starting Donkey Path to have guest bloggers from time to time. Our first guest blogger is David Breeden, a writer from Chicago who has published several books and is currently attending seminary school. Martin Luther King's birthday was last week and he offers a reflection on the times.

David's post mentions Emmitt Till. I confess I couldn't quite remember at first who he was. I turned to my wife and asked her. She winced, and said Emmitt Till was the young boy from Chicago who was sent to visit relatives in Mississippi in the mid-1950s and was lynched after whistling at a white woman. I then remembered: when the boy's body was sent back to Chicago, the mother insisted on seeing what had been done to her child. No mother should have to see such a thing.

It's not often remembered that Martin Luther King was a voice not only of courage but of considerable power and restraint in a very difficult time.


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