Monday, April 03, 2006

Alphabetical List of Political Blogs

Ever since I finished that survey of blogs in February, I've been getting a steady trickle of people looking for lists of political blogs, liberal or conservative lists being the most common query. At this point, I have hundreds of blogs roughly alphabetized in my personal bookmarks folder but I notice that the list is already getting out of date despite having started it three months ago (and it's not that easy to sort and post); it's alarming how many new sites drop out, go on hiatus or merge with other sites. The Moderate Voice has a good alphabetical list of some of the more popular blogs that seem to stay around; it has liberals and Democrats on the left sidebar and Republicans and conservatives on the right sidebar (personally, I make a distinction between right wingers and rational conservatives but The Moderate Voice lumps them together); they also have an excellent list of moderate blogs (spread out somewhat from conservative to liberal edges) as well as a few miscellaneous websites, including libertarians.

The blogs I have linked to on this page (over on the right) also have more lists of other political blogs.

Jeanne's list on Body and Soul is also useful for finding liberal blogs that aren't as well known but I've found some useful opinion, news and commentary using that route. There are many lists of blogs around but there's a tendency, even on the wider Internet, for the lists to be similar from site to site. If anyone knows of other reliable and distinctive lists of blogs, feel free to comment below; I'm not familiar enough with myspace to know how prevalent political blogs are over there so a list of those sites would be useful too.

Personally, I'm also interested in good economic blogs on specific topics such as energy, health care and job creation so feel free to mention those too.


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