Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Georgia Voter on Rep. Kingston's Complaints

Members of the do-nothing Republican House have some complaints about having to work again when the new Congress takes its seat in January. Georgia resident Kiosan of A Voce gives her response to the pampered Jack Kingston (R-GA) who's whining that he'll have to work more than three days a week:
... I really cannot tell you how impressed I am to find [Rep. Jack Kingston] in the Washington Post griping about the idea of actually having to, you know, work for his paycheck next year.

Kingston's not up in arms about the deterioration of real wages for working people, or the decline of the manufacturing industry causing loss of jobs in his home state, or even, like our own dear state legislature, peeved at the idea that he can't get pre-sweetened tea on demand. No, he's ticked that he'll be forced to show up for work before 6:30 PM on Mondays and won't be able to leave before 2:00 PM on Fridays once Congress reconvenes on January 4, 2007.

Poor, poor man. He says his marriage will suffer in his absence. Perhaps he should ask those of his constituency who work double shifts to make ends meet, or those husbands and wives who pass in the night working opposite shifts because they cannot afford childcare... ...


... Maybe next election Mr. Kingston will get what he apparently truly desires: permission to stay home. Permanently.

And Rep. Kingston might want to remember all the Americans serving in places like Iraq and Afghanistan who won't be seeing their families this Christmas or for many months to come.



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