Saturday, February 03, 2007

Dick Cheney and Joe Wilson's Trip

Larry Johnson of No Quarter has the story on Dick Cheney and the trip taken by Joe Wilson to Niger. Cheney indeed was the cause of the trip and received a report from the CIA; it's always been a red herring about whether Cheney personally sent Joe Wilson—it's was only important that a knowledgeable person was sent and that person was Joe Wilson, the man who eventually blew the whistle when the Bush Administration claimed Iraq was trying to buy uranium from Niger. It's no different than anyone has expected who has been following the story from the beginning, except more of the details are now getting filled in five years after Joe Wilson's original report to the CIA (after his trip) that correctly said there was no Niger/Iraq connection; here's the end of Johnson's long post:
Cheney was given an intelligence report in response to his original query on 12 February, 2002. The report made clear that Niger was playing ball with the U.S. and was not about to even meet with Iraqis, much less sell them uranium. But Cheney and Bush had other plans. They were going to go to war with Iraq regardless of what the intelligence said. But we now have a clear picture that the intelligence community was trying to tell them uncomfortable truths that Bush and Cheney did not want to hear. Just remember that as the U.S. death toll in Iraq continues to soar.

Give it a read. Justice is getting very slow in our country. In 2004, several Republican senators covered up for Bush. And the White House has been very good at creating multiple fabrications to distract attention from the facts and the facts are not pretty. It's just further evidence that the administration, at its highest levels, is run by arrogant, dishonest and incompetent people who dragged the United States into an unneeded war.

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