Sunday, May 07, 2006

More on the Sudden Departure of Porter Goss

First, I'm amazed by the lack of curiousity by the mainstream media about the abrupt departure of a CIA Director. Is Goss involved in Hookergate? If he was fired for being incompetent, why did Bush wait so long? Did Porter Goss damage the CIA even further after the damage done by Cheney's meddling? Where and how is the United States getting the high quality intelligience our government needs to make policy decisions? If the media doesn't ask the questions, we're not likely to get the answers, not that the White House has been forthcoming in the last three years, but asking questions can eventually lead to answers from others.

This morning, Tim Russert seemed interested in deflecting attention away from the corrupt machine that now passes for the Republican Party in Washington. That so much bribery and 'special favors' can take place under House Speaker Dennis Hastert's nose cries out for closer scrutiny. Even the CIA may be involved in questionable contracts (see TPM Muckraker). Laura Rozen of War and Piece received an e-mail that she shares with us:
One reader who covers the White House writes in with what he's hearing. I post with permission....
Be sure to read the rest. She's had several excellent posts on Porter Goss since the announcement on Friday.


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