Saturday, June 10, 2006

When the Media Bends Over Backwards for Bush

In the last 70 years or so, the news media has had high points and low points. A high point was Edward R. Murrow reporting from London during World War Two. A low point was the media frenzy over the O.J. Simpson trail. The first three years of the Bush Administration was clearly a low point for the media and even now the major news outlets are currently a long ways from redemption though there have been some improvement in the coverage of Bush's second term.
Todd Gitlin has a post in TPM Cafe concerning the problems of the mainstream news media:
The former WP ombudsman Michael Getler has a mixed, or maybe backhandedly favorable, review of Eric Boehlert's valuable new book Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush in tomorrow's paper.... For the moment I can't resist rebutting one of Getler's points: that you can't legitimately say that the press rolled over for Bush without "knowing what was inside the heads of producers and editors at the time their news decisions were made."
I like Gitlin's summary of the media's problem that he gives later in the article but let me add my own very simple two bits. If it rolls over like a lapdog, if it begs like a lapdog, if it gets the royal treatment like a lapdog, it doesn't much matter what the former news hound is thinking: it's become a lap dog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just published at post at Oh!pinion that focuses on what's wrong at a much more basic level. It was triggered by an incident I saw this morning wherein a usually good news/talk guy completely dropped the ball, accepting pat, predigested nonsense for an answer from a purported expert on Iran.

This kind of thing goes on all the time. Is it all politically motivated? More likely, much of it is due to laziness and/or incompetence.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Craig said...

S.W., I'm sure laziness and/or incompetence is a large part of it. The media star system is also a problem since it leaves less money for beat reporters who dig out the facts.

But then there's people like Chris Matthews who was a moderately liberal pundit for a newspaper a few years ago (I still remember some of his columns). When he went on TV, he became... well, I'm not sure what he became but his large salary seems to have something to do with the frequency with which he caves in to the right.

7:21 PM  

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