Murtha Calls For Rumsfeld to Resign
If Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld isn’t paranoid, it can only be because he’s got an exceptionally thick skin and high tolerance for having dissatisfied people pushing hard for him to move on.Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., upped the dump-Rumsfeld ante Wednesday, with a resolution urging the secretary to resign immediately. (H/T to the Huffington Post.)
Note that these aren’t just the opinions of a nonfan. These are all matters of public record going back four years. We can’t recall a situation in all U.S. history where a Cabinet official has been allowed to build a record of decisions, policies and results this bad for this long. Nor can we recall one who’s had so many highly placed people saying he’s got to go.
I've heard some argue that it's a waste of time to keep asking for Rumsfeld's resignation but I think it's important to highlight the fact that Bush, despite repeated blunders, continues to surround himself with ideologues and incompetents and that the Republican-controlled Congress refuses to deal with the fiasco that is the Bush presidency.
Re: the Republican-controlled Congress that refuses to deal with the Bush fiasco.
Excepting those who maintain blind, ideologically driven loyalty, I suspect many who've had the scales fall from their eyes are in the situation of the little old woman who died of fright in her kitchen.
The little old woman, sitting at her kitchen table, so the story goes, was confronted by a large mouse. This struck terror throughout her frail frame. She couldn't run away because she feared she would step on the mouse. She couldn't fight the wee beast, for she was too afraid of it. And she couldn't escape by climbing up on the table because she was afraid of heights.
So, the little old woman just sat there and died of fright.
Very good.
Senator Specter certainly comes to mind. He knows better.
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